8 Poems For Wedding Reading

A selection of poems that can be used for a wedding reading. Words that celebrate love and express only the best for the bride and groom.

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  1. Love Is
    1 Corinthians 13:4-7 (NLT)

    Love is patient,
    Love is kind.
    It does not envy,
    It does not boast,
    It is not proud.
    It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking,
    It is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs.
    Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth.
    It always protects,
    Always trusts,
    Always hopes,
    Always perseveres.

    These verses from 1 Corinthians hold within them the key to a successful and happy marriage. If all couples put these words into action by treating each other this way then the marriage would be one that will last forever!

  2. Filled With Love
    Poet: Julie Hebert

    May this day be filled with love,
    And the only tears shed be of happiness.
    May your dreams have come true,
    And your life together be fabulous.

    Life from now on will not be about you,
    It'll be of two souls becoming one.
    Together you will discover greatness,
    And together you will have laughter and fun.

    Together you will be always,
    Facing good times and the bad.
    Every great marriage grows stronger,
    Because each other you have.

    So make every moment together,
    Count in every possible way.
    Your love will last forever
    May God bless this your day.

  3. Vows for wedding:

    Traditional Wedding Vows

    Wedding Vow Examples

    How To Write Marriage Vows

  4. To You Both
    Poet: Julie Hebert

    May you never lose yourself,
    May you grow in love and life,
    May you learn from your mistakes,
    All the while enjoying being man and wife.

    May this adventure you are on,
    Keep your spark alive.
    May you find what you need from each other,
    And may you never be deprived.

    May you see each others needs,
    Before the need is met.
    May your marriage stay true and strong,
    And may there never be a threat.

    May the light set in the mornings,
    Awake you side by side.
    May the sun set in the evenings,
    Cuddled up with love and pride.

  5. Man's Companion And Equal
    by St. Augustine

    If God had designed woman as man's master.
    He would have taken her from his head;
    If as his slave,
    He would have taken her from his feet;
    But as He designed her for his companion and equal,
    He took her from his side.

    These words from St. Augustine may make you smile but there is much wisdom in them. In marriage being equal partners in all aspects of the marriage results in a happy home!

  6. Together You Will Not Fail
    Poet: Julie Hebert

    Your engagement set the tone,
    For this love to continue to bloom.
    After the nuptials when you can calm,
    Connected lives will then presume.

    Not sure what that will entail,
    It's up to you how life will prevail.
    But I know that life will be great,
    Together you will not fail.

    Find each others strengths,
    And use them however you can.
    You are stronger when working together,
    And that was always God's plan.

    People say marriage is hard,
    And in some cases that is true.
    But it doesn't have to be,
    It will all depend on you.

    Go into this with a plan,
    To not ever take each other for granted.
    Many go into a marriage,
    Expecting a life that is enchanted.

  7. Poems that could also be used at a wedding:

    Wedding Poems For Ceremony

    Christian Wedding Poems

  8. Love That Gleams
    Poet: Unknown

    In the grasp of the one holding your hand,
    Whose eyes ignite your hopes and dreams,
    In thoughts of the one, foremost and last,
    Who embraces you with love that gleams,

    Together planning dreams that align,
    Making the world feel perfectly designed,
    Believing in each other with trust,
    In this unique love, your lifetime's thrust.

  9. May the God who gives endurance and encouragement Give you the same attitude of mind toward each other That Christ Jesus had Romans 15:5 (NIV)
    Wedding Blessing Poems

  10. The Lord Bless You
    Numbers 6:24-26 (NET)

    The Lord bless you and protect you;
    The Lord make his face to shine upon you,
    and be gracious to you;
    The Lord lift up his countenance upon you
    and give you peace.

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