Marriage is something to definitely celebrate. Here are some marriage poems for weddings or for an anniversary.
Share with your spouse and other married couples to remind them of the beauty of marriage.
Allow these poems to be a useful addition to any card, gift, toast or vow.
M is for
moving forward together A is for
appreciation for each other R is for
respect is a must R is for
resilence during the challenging times I is for
I love you always A is for
always communicating G is for
goals reached together E is for
encouraging and supporting each other
Eskimo Love Song
Poet: Unknown
You are my husband, you are my wife
My feet shall run because of you
My feet dance because of you
My heart shall beat because of you
My eyes see because of you
My mind thinks because of you
And I shall love, because of you.
A love so strong as yours,
Should never go away.
You bind yourselves together in marriage,
And promise to never stray away.
Today a commitment will be made,
One so precious and inspired by love.
Well-wishes and tears of joy will be shed,
And many blessings from the man up above.
God's Plan
Poet: C. A. Lynch
Two souls joined together as one,
God's plan gives us sacred bonds in life.
Two hearts aligned in love, divine
A loving husband and wife.
Sharing their hopes and joys in life.
It truly is a beautiful plan.
Mutual Pleasures In Marriage
Poet: W. Howitt
Away with the pleasure that is not partaken!
There is no enjoyment by one only taken:
I love in my mirth to see gladness awaken
On lips, and in eyes, that reflect it again.
When we sit by the fire that so cheerily blazes
On our cosy hearth-stone, with its innocent glee,
Oh! how my soul warms, while my eye fondly gazes.
To see my delight is partaken by thee!
And when, as how often, I eagerly listen
To stvries thou read'st of the dear olden day.
How delightful to see our eyes mutually glisten,
And feel that affection has sweeten'd the lay.
Yes, love - and when wandering at even or morning,
Through forest or wild, or by waves foaming white,
I have fancied new beauties the landscape adorning.
Because I have seen thou wast glad in the sight.
And how often in crowds, where a whisper offendeth.
And we fain would express what there might not be said,
How dear is the glance that none else comprehendeth.
And how sweet is the thought that is secretly read!
Then away with the pleasure that is not partaken!
Two hearts so intertwined,
Each striving for the same;
For promising a life of joy,
And never play the blame game.
The undivided vision that reaches
Beyond mountains high;
Unflinching courage to see it through
With determination not shy.
Futures for their children;
Giving back to those in need;
Giving thanks for all their blessings
Through sacrifice and the dream of deeds.
A union forged by fate;
Meant to bring a peace inside;
Where each together will face life’s obstacles
With in one stride.
A marriage is more than
Just love and desire;
It’s shared goals and dreams,
Which will light its perpetual fire.
Marriage Bells
Poet: Emma Lazarus
Music and silver chimes and sunlit air,
Freighted with the scent of honeyed orange-flower;
Glad, friendly festal faces everywhere.
She, rapt from all in this unearthly hour,
With cloudlike, cast-back veil and faint-flushed cheek,
In bridal beauty moves as in a trance
Alone with him, an fears to breathe, to speak,
Lest the rare, subtle spell dissolve perchance.
But he upon that floral head looks down,
Noting the misty eyes, the grave sweet brow--
Doubts if her bliss be perfect as his own,
And dedicates anew with inward vow
His soul unto her service, to repay
Richly the sacrifice she yields this day.
Peace In Humble Marriage
Poet: Beattie
No jealousy the dawn of love o'ercast,
Nor blasted were their wedded days with strife;
Each season look'd delightful as it past.
To the fond husband, and the faithful wife.
Beyond the lowly vale of shepherd life
They never roam'd; secure beneath the storm
Which in ambition's lofty land is rife,
Where peace and love are canker'd by the worm
Of pride, each bud of joy industrious to deform.
The Dictate Of Nature
by Dr. Johnson
Marriage is evidently the dictate of nature;
men and women are made to be the companions of each other,
and therefore I cannot be persuaded but that marriage is one of the means of happiness.
It is a state not suited to the conditions of some few individuals only,
but appropriated to all persons under all circumstances -
extended to the concave arch of heaven, and of incalculable duration.
It will brighten affliction's gloomy countenance,
and make sorrow wear a cheerful garment.
It will deck the humble and contented cot with almost heavenly bliss,
and waft its fragrance even to the most remote recesses of poignant misery.
From This Day Forward
Poet: Author Unknown
From this day forward,
You shall not walk alone.
My heart will be your shelter,
And my arms will be your home.
To Be One With Each Other
Poet: George Eliot
What greater thing is there for two human souls
than to feel that they are joined together
to strengthen each other in all labour,
to minister to each other in all sorrow,
to share with each other in all gladness,
to be one with each other in the silent unspoken memories?
On Marriage
by Kahlil Gibran
Then Almitra spoke again and said, "And what of Marriage, master?"
And he answered saying:
"You were born together, and together you shall be forevermore.
You shall be together when white wings of death scatter your days.
Aye, you shall be together even in the silent memory of God.
But let there be spaces in your togetherness,
And let winds of the heavens dance between you.
Love one another but make not a bond of love:
Let it rather be a moving sea between the shores of your souls.
Fill each other's cup but drink not from one cup.
Give one another of your bread but eat not from the same loaf.
Sing and dance together and be joyous, but let each one of you be alone,
Even as the strings of a lute are alone though they quiver with the same music.
Give your hearts, but not into each other's keeping.
For only the hand of Life can contain your hearts.
And stand together, yet not too near together:
For the pillars of the temple stand apart,
And the oak tree and the cypress grow not in each other's shadow."
God above increase our love.
Let love and friendship reign.
I long to be made one with thee.
Time shall tell I love thee well.
God’s blessing on thee and me.
Love for love.
In Married Life We All Offend At Times
Poet: Unknown
Oh, we do all offend:
There's not a day of wedded life — if we
Count at its close the little, bitter sum
Of thoughts, and words, and looks unkind and froward,
Silence that chides and woundings of the eye —
But prostrate at each other's feet we should
Each night forgiveness ask.
Marriage A Second Eden
Poet: Cowper
What is there in the vale of life
Half so delightful as a wife.
When friendship, love, and peace, combine
To stamp the marriage-bona divine?
The stream of pure and genuine love
Derives its current from above;
And earth a second Eden shows,
Where'er the healing water flows.
In our marriage, I am truly blessed,
For the little things you do best.
Each small gesture, each act of kindness,
It strengthens our bond and brings gladness.
You make everyday life so sweet,
With your love and care, each moment complete.
I am grateful for you in every way,
And appreciate all you do each day.
A Marriage Prayer
Poet: Kenny Meadows
O Thou, whose merciful decree
Hath knit our hearts in bonds of love.
Our sure defence and safeguard be,
Whatever our wedded lot may prove.
Without Thy blessing love is vain
The varied ills of life to bear;
But when bestow'd, few griefs remain
Beyond affection's healing care.
Avert from us the spirit's chill.
Each wandering thought and fickle mood;
Mould every feeling to Thy will,
Incline our hearts to every good.
Implanting deep that perfect trust.
Of love's rich soil the flower most dear;
Turn all our promised joys to dust,
But leave that root unwither'd here.
Blend with our love that gentleness
Which turns each angry word aside,
Which stifles wrath with tenderness,
And melts away the frost of pride.
Nor let unkindness ever reach,
Nor harsh, unfeeling thoughts impair
The tenderness of years; but teach
Our hearts to bear and to forbear.
Be ours a unity of mind,
A unity of sweetest love,
A unity of faith entwined
With the dear hope of joys above.
We know that in our hearts there lies,
With all their love, the germ of change;
The world can break the holiest ties,
A breath the tenderest thoughts estrange.
We pray, O God! that grief like this
Our earthly course may never see;
We'd make our love a lasting bliss,
By resting all its hopes on Thee!
Marriage is
not all rose petals and candle light,
And our marriage is no different from that.
But we work at it each day
We fight to keep our marriage alive,
It's worth so much to us.
Nothing is too big to make a difference
And there is nothing too little to be a fuss.
Poet: Unknown
Marriage –
the happy estate which resembles a pair of shears;
so joined that they cannot be separated;
often moving in opposite directions,
yet always punishing anyone who comes between them.
More Than A Spouse
Poet: C. A. Lyncy
In this union, I discovered a treasure rare,
More than a spouse, a best friend is what I found there.
Through joys and tears, you've stood by my side,
In laughter and sorrow, together we abide.
Supporting each other, through every twist and bend,
Our bond of friendship will never find an end.
Thank you for being my partner in both love and strife,
For in you, I found not just a spouse, but my best friend for life.