9 Wedding Vow Examples

Here you will find wedding vow examples. Feel free to read through these examples and if you would prefer to use a pre-written vow feel free to use one of these. If you are wanting to write your own marital vow, then we hope these will give you some inspiration to go write it now.

Below you will find some more traditional wedding vow examples, some non-traditional wedding vows and a step by step how to write wedding vows. Feel free to use them to inspire you or if you'd rather, use one of these as your wedding vows.

Best Wishes   |   Wedding Poems   |   Wedding Vow Examples

    I Love You

  1. I ______, take you, ______ to be my friend, my lover and my one true love.
    I promise to honor you, respect you, cherish you and our love from now until eternity.
    I give you this ring as my commitment to always walk hand in hand with you through anything life throws at us. I will never leave you alone, I will never misplace my love for you. You are my everything and I promise to always be worthy of your love for me. I love you.

  2. I ______, take you, ______ to be my lawfully wedded husband/wife to be my partner in life from this day forward. I promise to laugh and cry with you and to love you unconditionally. I will honor you, support you, respect you and love you for who you are. I give you my whole heart and promise to love you as long as we both shall live.

  3. I promise to always love 
		you and only you from now until eternity

  4. I ______, take you, ______ to be my love. I promise to always love you and only you from now until eternity. I give you my hand so that we may walk together throughout all the season of life. We will grow old together, start a family and be blissful hand in hand. You are my everything and life without you wouldn't exist. So lets start our life together with this vow to always remember this day at this moment, the moment we announce our ever binding love for each other and live happily ever after.

  5. I ______, take you, ______ to be my best friend and one true love. I remember the day we met, you were stunning (or, so handsome). Today you stand before me pledging to be my wife/husband. What a dream come true. From this day forward, I promise to always be there for you, never to let you cry alone, always be someone to laugh with and to walk hand in hand on the beach. I am giving you my hand today and promising to love you unconditionally. We will walk this road together from now until eternity. I love you.

  6. Today you stand before me pledging to be my wife/husband.  What a dream come true.  From this day forward, I promise to always be there for you, never to let you cry alone, always be someone to laugh with and to walk hand in hand on the beach.  I am giving you my hand today and promising to love you unconditionally.  We will walk this road together from now until eternity.  I love you.

  7. More Traditional Wedding Vows

    Non Traditional Wedding Vows

    There are times in our lives that the non traditional approch fits better than the traditional. If this is true for you, feel free to use these less traditional wedding vow examples.

    You are my one and only...

  8. Here's hoping that you live forever,
    And mine is the last voice you hear.
    Author Unknown

  9. You and I have always been meant to be.
    Look at us know, proving to all our family and friends that we were right.
    About to start not only a new life together,
    But also a new year of wonderful memories to make.

  10. You are the one and only

  11. You Are The One And Only
    Poet: Julie Hebert

    You are the one and only,
    One I care to see.
    The one and only person,
    The one who sets me free.

    You are the one and only,
    One I take his hand.
    The one and only person,
    Who I walk through rocks and sand.

    You are the one and only,
    The one who's truth and pure.
    The one and only person,
    The one I know for sure.

  12. Traditional Marriage
    Poet: Julie Hebert

    When I look into my future,
    I see you there with me.
    Our marriage is traditional as it can get,
    although it doesn't seem to be.

    A traditional marriage seems like perfection,
    A house, some kids, and a job.
    But these days things aren't quite as traditional,
    And we don't have to be a traditional snob.

    We can make our marriage what we'd like,
    And create traditions of our own.
    So take me now for all I am,
    And together, build this life of many unknowns.

How To Write Wedding Vows

Writing your own wedding vows can be a difficult task, but it is well worth it in the end. No amount of pre-written vows will ever tell your bride or groom exactly what you are feeling on this very special day. If you are up for the challenge and would like to write your own promises, we are here to help.

...My friend

Rule #1
You have to start it off with something like this: I, (your name), take you, (future spouses name), to be my. . .
...Lawfully wedded husband/wife
...My partner in life
...My friend
...My love(r)
...My constant friend
...One true love
You can choose one of these or use more than one to say something like, “to be my partner in life, my constant friend, my one true love…”

You can end it just like that or add:
…from this day forward.
…from now until eternity.
…to cherish forever.

Rule #2
Tell him/her what you vow or promise to them: (you can use as many of these as you want) I promise to. . .
…be worthy of your love
…respect you
…laugh and cry with you
…honor you
…support you
…love you for who you are
…love you unconditionally
…to cherish you

...my promise to love yuo always and forever...

Rule #3
Tell him/her what you give the them: I give you . . .
…my love…
…my commitment…
...my hand…
…my heart…
…my promise to love you always and forever…

Rule #4
End in:
…through whatever life throws at us.
…throughout all the seasons of life.
…as long as we both shall life.
…until death do us part.

Of course these are all just options and you can write your vows however you decide. But hopefully this gives you a starting point. You may find it nice to add in a wonderful story about how you met, the first time you saw her/him, the first time you knew you were in love. Or maybe your wishes for this marriage. If you hope they will make your relationship stronger? You may also want to add what you love about the person you are marrying. These rules are just guidelines and are made to be broken.

Feel free to use any of these wedding vow examples. They are spoken from the heart about true love. You may also take sentences from each of these that you like to create your own vow. Whatever you decide to do, make sure the vow is a promise that comes from your heart. It should be romantic and sweet. Loving and thoughtful. So share these wishes of a happy life together with your bride/groom...and live happily ever after!

More information on How To Write Marriage Vows

...and they lived happily ever after

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