9 Christian Wedding Poems

Share these Christian wedding poems with the newlyweds. These poems are ones of faith and love, celebrating the sacred covenant between two hearts bound by God's grace. In this collection, the verses resonate with the divine harmony that accompanies the union of two souls in holy matrimony. Each poem within this compilation seeks to encapsulate the spiritual essence of a Christian wedding, inviting readers to witness the beauty that unfolds when love intertwines with faith on this sacred and joyous occasion.

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  1. May God Bless You
    Poet: Julie Hebert

    Weddings are a perfect time,
    To share with those you love,
    The person who fills you with so much joy,
    And receive a blessing from the Man above.

    May God bless you with everything you need,
    For a marriage strong and true.
    May He bless you with patience galore,
    A marriage is in need of this too.

    May God bless you with a love you've never seen,
    A love meant to last.
    May He bless you with a sense of humor,
    To introvene during life's overcast.

    May God bless you with certain abilities,
    To help you learn to compromise and share.
    May He bless you will communication skills,
    To create the best married pair.

  2. Marriage The Holiest Ordinance Of God
    Poet: Southey

    Marriage is with us
    The holiest ordinance of God, whereon
    The bliss or bane of human life depends:
    Love must be won by love, and heart to heart
    Link'd in mysterious sympathy, before
    We pledge the marriage vow.

  3. More wedding poems to share:

    Wedding Blessing Poems

    Wedding Poems About Love

    Poems For Wedding Reading

  4. A Sacred Union
    Poet: C. A. Lynch

    In the glow of love, two hearts entwine,
    A sacred union, blessed and divine.
    Under heaven's gaze, vows gently spoken,
    A covenant made, a lifelong token.

    God's grace like a river, flowing wide,
    Guiding your journey with love as your guide.
    May your days be filled with joy and grace,
    As you walk together, His love to embrace.

  5. Sacred Union Of Hearts
    Poet: C. A. Lynch

    In the sacred union of hearts today,
    Before God, you've chosen to walk the way.
    May His blessings shower from above,
    As you embark on this journey of love.

    A covenant formed, sealed in His grace,
    Two souls united in a sacred embrace.
    May your love for each other find its root,
    In the love of God, strong and absolute.

    May your marriage be a testament,
    To the bonds that God alone has sent.
    May His light guide you through joy and strife,
    Strengthening your love with each passing life.

    In the highs and lows, let His love be the guide,
    May your commitment in Him always abide.
    May your love for each other and for God,
    Grow deeper and richer, against all odds.

    As you exchange vows, hand in hand,
    May His presence be the golden strand.
    May your journey together be filled with His grace,
    A love story woven by His divine embrace.

    So, let His blessings pour on you today,
    As you start this sacred marital ballet.
    May your love for each other and for God,
    Be the foundation, strong and broad.

  6. Be inspired by these poems:

    Wedding Day Poems

    Wedding Poems For Ceremony

    Wedding Poems For The Bride and Groom

  7. For Life And For Eternity
    Poet: L. H. Sigourney

    Not for the summer hour alone,
    When skies resplendent shine.
    And youth and pleasure fill the throne,
    Our hearts and hands we join;

    But for those stem and wintry days
    Of peril, pain, and fear,
    When Heaven's wise discipline makes
    This earthly journey drear.

    Not for this span of life alone,
    Which as a blast doth fly,
    And, like the transient flowers of grass.
    Just blossom, droop, and die;

    But for a being without end,
    This vow of love we take:
    Grant us, O God! one home at last,
    For our Redeemer's sake.

  8. Vows Before The Lord
    Poet: C. A. Lynch

    As you make your vows before the Lord,
    Seek His blessings, and promise to be true.
    Be blessed with many happy days ahead
    Ask for His guidance on days that seem blue.

    Honor each other as husband and wife,
    And walk in faith throughout the days of your life.
    Your journey together, entrust to the Lord above,
    Trust in His plan with hearts full of love.

  9. 1 Corinthians 13:4-8
    New Living Translation

    Love is patient and kind.
    Love is not jealous or boastful or proud or rude.
    It does not demand its own way.
    It is not irritable, and it keeps no record of being wronged.
    It does not rejoice about injustice but rejoices whenever the truth wins out.
    Love never gives up, never loses faith, is always hopeful, and endures through every circumstance.
    Prophecy and speaking in unknown languages and special knowledge will become useless.
    But love will last forever!

  10. This Bible verse from 1 Corinthians 13:4-8, talks about the qualities of real, godly love. If married couples follow what it says here, they can have a long and happy marriage.

  11. Marriage Blessing

    Almighty God,
    Who at the beginning did create our first parents, Adam and Eve,
    And did sanctify and join them together in marriage,
    Pour upon you the riches of His grace,
    Sanctity and bless you;
    That ye may please Him both in body and soul,
    And live together in holy love unto your lives' end.

  12. live together in holy love unto your lives' end.
    Wedding Card Wishes

  13. Two Loves
    Father Abram J. Ryan

    Two loves came up a long, wide aisle,
    And knelt at a low, white gate;
    One tender and true, with a shyest smile,
    One strong, true and elate.

    Two lips spoke in a firm true way,
    And two lips answered soft and low;
    In one true hand such a little hand lay
    Fluttering, frail as a flake of snow.

    One stately head bent humble there,
    Stilled were the throbbings of human love;
    One head drooped down like a lily fair,
    Two prayers went, wing to wing, above.

    God blest them both in the holy place,
    Long brief moment till the rite was done;
    On the human love fell a heavenly grace,
    Making two hearts forever one.

    Between two lengthening rows of smiles,
    One sweetly shy, one proud, elate,
    Two loves passed down the long wide aisle
    Will they ever forget the low white gate?

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