80th Birthday Poems

Share our 80th birthday poems with someone who has seen eight decades of life. Wish them a happy birthday with these verses. Anyone who is turning 80 truly deserves recognition, think of the changes they have seen in their lifetime. Their 80th birthday is one to be celebrated!

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  1. 80 You Turn
    Poet: Samatha C. Ringle

    Today is the day 80 you turn
    Happiness you have earned
    Wishing you an awesome day
    And a Happy Birthday we do say.

  2. Eight Decades
    Poet: C. A. Lynch

    Oh, the years have surely flown,
    Eight decades of wisdom shown.
    At eighty, you've seen it all,
    From disco dances to VHS's fall.

    No need for candles on your cake,
    Just one stick of dynamite, for goodness sake!
    You're a prankster, old and bold,
    With stories that never get old!

    So here's to eighty, a milestone we cheer,
    The best is yet to come, my dear!

  3. Eight Decades
    Poet: C. A. Lynch

    The decades have gone 8 to be exact
    We can't believe they have gone so fast
    Why it seems like only yesterday
    We celebrated 40 with you as a holiday.

    Now another 40 have gone by
    But you still have that twinkle in your eye.
    We can only hope and pray to be like you
    As age is only a number to you!

  4. An Inspiration
    Poet: Tom S. Gold

    You truly are an inspiration to us all
    You have a purpose, you answered your call
    Helping others you never stop
    You keep on going you never drop.

    Who would believe you are 80 years old
    You live your life, nothing is on hold
    May God bless you on this day
    Love and happiness you do display.

  5. What Do I Say
    Poet: B. R. Clement

    What do I write in this greeting card
    Do I say best wishes and regards
    How do I recognize all you have done
    The happiness you give us and the fun.

    The years have been good to you
    80 years you have been through
    Your smile is one I love to see
    Talking to you is so easy.

    Wisdom of the years you share
    I know how much you care.
    So on this 80th birthday, I say
    Love you so much in every way!

  6. So on this 80th birthday, I say Love you so much in every way!

  7. Double Forty
    Poet: B. R. Clement

    Double forty and what do you get
    The age you are turning, but don't be upset
    There are many who never see this age
    Life moves on it is just a different stage
    A time to share the wisdom you have gained
    Be proud of the age you have attained.
    So, celebrate this special day
    Have a happy birthday!

  8. Although this poem was written to describe a man turning 80 years old, this poem could be used for any person growing older who may be experiencing all that comes with an aging body, yet still full of life.

  9. His Eightieth Birthday
    Poet: Mrs. C. K. Smith

    I note the silver halo
    About the dear one's head,
    I note the voice so mellow
    In all that he has said.

    His ripened visage tells me
    He has not lived in vain,
    However strong the ills be,
    He never does complain!

    Though physically aged.
    His spirit always young,
    He leaves no things engaged in
    With head, or hand, or tongue,

    He's growing old gracefully
    No, no, he is not old
    He stands upright as ever
    And walks as straight and bold.

    The cheerful never do grow old.
    They only seem more ripe;
    This is a tale that is twice told.
    But never old or trite!

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